Friday, 9 November 2007

What does being an AUSTRALIAN mean to you?

I'll start, but I would like you to add to this blog.

If it's negetive, please try to end with a positive 'lesson' for you or others to work towards.

Lets' produce a blog that is about the support of your nation.

If you are from another nation and would like to produce a positive outlook on your nation, put in your blog address.

Any address, however, which is demeaning to any other nation will be removed!

Many years ago I went outside of Strathpine Shopping Centre (Brisbane) to have a cigarette (horrid habit I still haven't broke from yet).

An elderly lady was on the only seat and I won't smoke near someone who isn't smoking. I find it ill mannered.

I said 'hello' and we got talking.

Her husband and herself came to Australian as English Immigrants in the 50s. The trip over wasn't so bad and the crew was very nice to her, but as she got further and further away from home, the days and nights on board the boat brought with it memories of what she was leaving behind - comfort in the only life she knew - rarely, if ever fears, of family interactions - job and financial survival - interacting with uneducated and rough Australians.

When she walked off that ship and onto Australian soil, all her fears were vanguished. The first words she heard was 'Gidday' and 'Welcome to Australia'.

She said to me how this dock's welcoming was echoed every where she went and how Australia made her feel happy to be a part of this country.

As she has gotten older, however, she has seen Australian pass over their own way of life and language for 'other' countries and cultures, and we are becoming lost to who we were, and are!

No-one says Gidday to her anymore. She couldn't remember the last time she was greeted with it.

What got to me was that normally I do say Gidday, but recently I had been slipping into 'hello' and 'howdy'! I felt horrid as this one word could have brought such simple joy and acceptence to this lady.

So to this lady, and every person on this planet, a very welcoming 'GIDDAY!'

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